Informe 2024

In 2024, we set out to revitalize our global network by actively consolidating regional cooperation, reactivating working groups, and renewing partnerships with sister parties and associate members across the world. With this realization came an awareness that we must make our platform more dynamic and responsive to meet the demands of the future. A mission as ambitious as transforming societies through progressive politics requires a global approach and sustained exchange of ideas and political action.

The challenges facing progressives today cannot be overstated. While we celebrate the electoral victories in countries that demonstrated the resilience of centre-left forces, democratic and social setbacks in many parts of the world deeply concern us: rising prices amid stagnant wages, cuts to welfare programs, reversals in women’s and gender rights, geopolitical conflicts, disinformation campaigns, repressive regimes targeting our ranks, and the mainstreaming of far-right ideologies.

At the Board meeting in Brazil, we laid out steps for how we can closely work together and focus our energies as a political family. The choice of Chile, with our sister parties in the ruling coalition hosting us, is demonstrative of our direction: a truly global family that upholds the democratic values of the left. Notable at the convention were the structural analyses and strategies shared by members from Africa, the Americas, the Arab region, and the Asia-Pacific. Our interconnected issues and responses must be multilateral and coordinated in support of each other’s struggles.

We endeavor to confront challenges head-on, collectively. Our gender equality working group is more active than ever, with representation from all continents. Through self-reflection, we acknowledge the need to fight for equality not only in society but also within our own political corners. With determination, we continue advancing this agenda. Our Presidium, composed of notable party leaders, has been tasked with presenting our program for international politics. Meanwhile, we are strengthening North-South dialogue to foster even greater solidarity.

The Global Convention in Santiago forged greater unities. It built the Alliance’s statutes, directed our political agenda, and ushered in new leadership across various organs to move us forward. The collective work of representatives from our sister parties and associate members achieved this much in a short time.

Yet, much remains to be done. As we enter 2025 with a fresh mandate, we aim to generate more stories of hope and highlight the work of progressives wherever we are. Stefan Lofven, former prime minister and co-chair of our Global Convention, reminded us during the Closing Panel that we believe in the power of our values and the legacy of our movement. But amidst the cluttered landscapes and growing societal fractures, it is vital to craft a narrative that resonates with and inspires the people we serve.

May this new term continue to strengthen our solidarities in struggle. During a visit to the headquarters of our sister party in Thailand, the Move Forward Party—after its dissolution and the political ban of its executives—their leader welcomed us with these words: “We are in this for the long run. They cannot force us to give up on what we started here.”

Thank you for a year of meaningful collaboration. Together, with courage, we march on.